Meritocracy and Unconscious Bias
A SmiLe Business School workshop series.
As part of our DI Equality 365 Challenge to increase the amount of female board members among the companies, the AllBright Foundation will host three workshops for our community’s CEO’s and Founders, on creating inclusive and equal workplaces.
The dates of the workshops are:
#1: Meritocracy and Unconscious Bias – May 26th
#2: Master Suppression Techniques – Inclusive Workplace Cultures – September 15th
#3: Strategic work with diversity and inclusion – October 25th
About workshop #1: Meritocracy and Unconscious Bias
In order to explain the business case for gender equality and create motivation for change, Allbright offers awareness raising and inspirational lectures. This lecture offers statistics from the Allbright reports and facts about societal structures and individual biases that create and maintain inequality at the workplace. Recognizing best practices, specific actions and sharing Allbrights’ insights, focus will shift from problems towards advancement. When the lecture is done the room will be filled by changemakers – ready to start their journey towards creating more inclusive and successful companies.
The Allbright unconscious bias training is for those who want to learn how to identify and counteract hidden prejudices and stereotypes that affect us all. The workshop will provide insights on how unconscious bias works and give the tools to establish processes to counter negative thought patterns and behaviors within organizations. The workshop participants are given the opportunity to discuss and identify stereotypes and challenges they face in their daily work and how these can be solved together as a group.
Content of the workshop:
- What business related benefits comes with meritocracy?
- How does diversity and profitability correlate?
- What are the most common obstacles in creating equality, and how do we overcome them?
- Identify and counteract hidden biases and workplace stereotypes
- Learn how to evaluate competence, performance and leadership without bias
- Learn how to encounter prejudiced and stereotypical statements without conflict
Contact us at community@smileincubator.life to sign up.
About facilitator Niklas Uppenberg
Niklas has an educational background within rhetoric, behavioral sciences and strategic communication and is a highly appreciated lecturer with experience from both domestic and international assignments. Before coming to Allbright Niklas worked with different educational projects with a focus on financial literacy and investment knowledge for organizations such as Ung Privatekonomi and the Swedish Stockholders Association.