POSTPONED – Panel: Breaking the Myths of Female Entrepreneurship
“Women can’t run successful businesses.” “Only 1% of the venture capital goes to women.” “Women don’t know how to pitch.”
Are you tired of hearing these old ‘truths’ about women as entrepreneurs? So are we!
Join us and listen to our International Women’s Day panel with an inspiring and myth-busting discussion on female entrepreneurship and venture capital.
On stage:
Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe Incubator, professional board member, and angel investor
Kristina Masson, Co-founder of Acrivon Therapeutics, just raised 100 MUSD in a series B-round
Hanna Sjöström, CEO of Nasdaq First North, listed GPX Medical
When: March 8th at 13.30 CET
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