Strategic work with diversity and inclusion
AllBright Foundation will host three workshops for our community’s CEO’s and Founders, on creating inclusive and equal workplaces.
The dates of the workshops are:
#1: Meritocracy and Unconscious Bias – May 26th
#2: Master Suppression Techniques – Inclusive Workplace Cultures – September 15th
#3: Strategic work with diversity and inclusion – October 25th
About workshop #3: Strategic work with diversity and inclusion
Focusing on knowledge and insights presented in previous workshops all participants will get the chance to analyze the challenges and potential obstacles within their organization. In this workshop participants get the chance to share and discuss challenges and then, with the help of Allbright, set concrete actions going forward. The facilitator from Allbright leads the workshop and shares experiences about how other companies have worked with creating more inclusive and diverse workplaces.
Content of the workshop:
- Discussion about challenges that exists within the organization
- Workshop on how to solve challenges with concrete actions
- Tips and inspiration on how other companies have worked in order to create more inclusive and diverse workspaces
Facilitator: Niklas Uppenberg and Erika Rydgren
Contact us at community@smileincubator.life to sign up.
About facilitator Niklas Uppenberg
Niklas has an educational background within rhetoric, behavioral sciences and strategic communication and is a highly appreciated lecturer with experience from both domestic and international assignments. Before coming to Allbright Niklas worked with different educational projects with a focus on financial literacy and investment knowledge for organizations such as Ung Privatekonomi and the Swedish Stockholders Association.
About facilitator Erika Rydgren
Erika Rydgren has a master’s degree in business administration and finance from Stockholm University. Erika has a background as a management consultant and then as a leader in several B2B businesses. Erika has experience of leading and developing structure, strategy, and sales work in several industries such as Telecom, Tech and the service sector. At Allbright, Erika is responsible for education and advisory services.