HØIBERG Patent School – Webinar #1
Welcome to HØIBERG Patent School
Webinar #1 : Patenting 101
Are you curious about patents, or know someone who is?
HØIBERG Patent School is a webinar series for anyone interested in knowing more about intellectual property and the patenting process.
If you are curious about patents and how patents can be used in your research or in your startup, this is an opportunity to learn the basics of patents and to get answers to some of your questions.
This webinar is perfect for scientists, entrepreneurs, students or anyone interested in a practical seminar on the basics of patents. You are very welcome to invite your colleagues.
During this first seminar we will discuss why patents are important and why you should patent your inventions.
You will get answers to:
- What is a patent?
- What rights does a patent provide?
- What can be patented?
- Who owns an invention?
- How to read a patent?
- What is the structure of a patent?
- What is the patent procedure like?
When: Wednesday Nov 25, 1 PM- 2PM.
Where: ONLINE – A link to the webinar will be sent after signing up.
You will meet HØIBERG’s patent attorneys:
Jens Viktor Nørgaard, Partner, Head of Biotechnology & Plant Sciences, European Patent Attorney, Copenhagen and Stockholm
Charlotta Dahlborg, Patent Attorney and Business developer, Stockholm
Moderator: Vibeke Bay, Patent Attorney, Aarhus