Thyrolytics AB develops a first-of-its-kind diagnostic device for measuring thyroid hormone levels in the blood using nanotechnology and protein engineering. In contrast to the convectional diagnostic methods for thyroid disorders, Thyrolytics’ patent pending platform directly measures the thyroid hormone levels, resulting in a highly robust, reliable and costeffective point-of-care diagnostic method.

Mohamad Takwa obtained his Ph.D in biotechnology from KTHStockholm and M.Sc in Molecular Biotechnology from the University of Milano-Bicocca. He has been involved in the earlystage establishment of multiple successful biotech and life science companies. Mohamad combines his passion for science and innovation to help cutting edge biotech technologies from bench to the market.
Did you know?
In Sweden, 458’000 patients are treated for hypothyroidism and among them: 92’000 are not feeling well despite the treatment and 46’000 are on full or partial sick leave. These numbers are highest that all other chronic diseases.