Prolevi Bio
Prolevi is an international start-up with a long-term aim to target metabolic disorders. Women’s health is largely underfunded, and Prolevi initially addresses one of the biggest challenges, hypothyroidism (90% females) which is an area with large unmet need as many patients do not respond to current therapy. The company is developing personalized therapy, by biomimicking the natural release cycles for the active thyroid hormone in non-respondents.

Sahil Gupta started his journey with biotech studies in India, followed by a Master’s program at LMU in Munich, PhD at Goethe University in Frankfurt, and a postdoc fellowship in The Netherlands. Sahil contacted a founding investor with ideas in the autoimmunology and cancer space through Nested Bio. These discussions led to Prolevi Bio AB foundation in December 2021 and introduction of other co-founders.
Did you know?
In the world population, around 5% – of which the majority are women – are diagnosed with hypothyroidism. However, one in five patients does not respond to current treatment. Prolevi’s aim is to provide treatment to hypothyroid patients who are non-respondent, about 150 million worldwide.