Developing future targeted immunotherapies in cancer
Lead Biologics identify and explore novel targets for immunotherapies in cancer, based on academic excellence and expertise in recombinant antibody technology to provide first-in-class treatment options.
We collaborate with pharma companies and other stakeholders at an early stage to expedite the development of new antibody-based therapeutics to patients in critical need for new treatment options.

Anki Malmborg Hager has extensive experience from starting life science companies spun-out from Lund University. Anki has served as the CEO of SenzaGen AB, PainDrainer AB, Cantargia AB, XImmune AB and Diaprost AB. She has also been the Investment Director at LU Bioscience AB and the VP for Business Development at Alligator Bioscience AB Today she is the CEO at Lead Biologics International AB, advisor for start-up companies and board member in SenzaGen AB, NanoEcho AB, Avena Partners AB, and Hager Consulting AB.
Did you know?
Immunotherapy has revolutionized cancer treatment, but only 15-60%, dependent on type of cancer, of the patients respond.