Innovativa healthtech-projekt kickstartar i SmiLe Bootcamp

SmiLes tioveckorsprogram för tidiga bolag och entreprenörer med innovativa idéer och produkter inom healthtech, medtech och e-Hälsa genomförs nu för sjunde gången. Projekten handlar om lösningar till exempelvis smärta, psykiatriska sjukdomar och problem efter förlossning. Målet är att göra projekten investeringsredo.

Celebrating 13 SmiLe companies fighting cancer

Today we celebrate UN World Health Day by paying tribute to 13 awesome SmiLe companies fighting cancer in different ways; from early diagnosis to drug development and other advanced cancer treatment therapies.

Launch of rapid sustainability assessment for life science start-ups

Today, SmiLe announces the launch of a new rapid assessment tool – SmiLe´s SDG Scan – that makes it easy for early-stage life science businesses to measure their impact on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), even if they have limited time and resources.

Join SmiLe’s charity campaign #MarchForWomen

On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8th, SmiLe launches, in collaboration with Skåne Stadsmission, the month-long charity ‘March for Women’ to garner support for women in need and their families.

SmiLe and the Chamber of Commerce to jointly support startup companies

SmiLe Incubator and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have entered into a strategic partnership that provides SmiLe member companies with the benefit of accessing Chamber of Commerce and Industry member offers while the companies are at SmiLe Incubator.

Get Your Business Idea Investment‑Ready In 10 Weeks

The call for applications are officially open for the 7th batch of our SmiLe Bootcamp, formerly known as Health2B. SmiLe Bootcamp is a ten-week virtual development program designed to accelerate early-stage HealthTech, MedTech and eHealth start-ups to develop their business idea and become investment-ready.

New brand identity marks new era for SmiLe

The recent years’ transformation of SmiLe generated a need to refresh and modernize our brand visuals. Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our new brand identity that better reflects our expanded operations and significantly improved offering that will further benefit life science startups.

Young SmiLe entrepreneurs honored again

Young founders of SmiLe Incubator companies are honored. Alice Mattsson, has been named by Venture Cup as having one of the year’s best business ideas in southern Sweden. In addition, Maximilian Ottosson, Linn Wrangmark and Frida McCabe, along with Fábio Rosa, all qualified for the Rapidus´ “34-list”.


SmiLe, invites its member companies to participate in a series of workshops by the Allbright Foundation, that aim to educate and train on how to create equal and inclusive workplaces, as a means to business success.

Innovative healthtech project kickstarts at SmiLe Bootcamp

The seventh edition of SmiLe’s ten-week program for early companies and entrepreneurs with innovative ideas and products in healthtech, medtech and eHealth is now underway. The projects address key care-related areas such as pain, psychiatric disorders and postnatal problems.