e-Dragon’s Den

About the project

As a spin-off from the successful program Dragon Academy, eDragon Academy (or “eDragon’s Den”) aims to increase the knowledge level and create better conditions in venture capital related topics for different stakeholders in the innovation system by offering a holistic and cross-border, VC e-learning platform.


The purpose of the project is to create a solid base and knowledge e-learning platform which enables life science communities to become professional and investable counterparties for venture capital. Better conditions will create a win-win situation between all parties and strengthen networks and relationships.

Short description

The basis for this project was a program called Dragon’s Den, developed by SmiLe Incubator. The program was offered to business advisors in Skåne, Sweden, focusing on how to support early life science entrepreneurs on how to raise capital, especially venture capital. However, the challenge that the program addresses, how to attract venture capital, is not limited to Swedish startups but it is shared by the majority of European life science startups. Therefore, the overall objective of this project is to offer a new, jointly developed and jointly run digital program for business advisors, start-ups and potentially other stakeholder in the start-up ecosystem, focusing on how to raise capital, mainly venture capital. In order to create a high-quality program focusing on venture capital, SmiLe teams up with IESE Business School. For more than 60 years, IESE has been at the forefront of management education and leadership development. The process of developing the collaboration and program for life science startups will result in participating organizations having developed and broaden their knowledge and skills, in the field of attracting capital but also in networking and collaboration. This in turn will contribute to the development of businesses delivering breakthrough health related products and services for European citizens in the years to come.


20220901 – 20240901


IESE Business School, Erasmus+, SmiLe Incubator

Project Manager

Jacob Lundgren, SmiLe Venture Hub

More information about the Erasmus+ programme

The project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Jacob Lundgren
Associate VC Relations


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